A Recent Payment Card Threat Report Validates the Need for Hoteliers to Implement Robust PCI Compliance Programs.

On November 28th, SecurityMetrics published its second annual Payment Card Threat Report.


  • The report identified the hospitality industry as one of the most targeted by cybercriminals in order to compromise credit card security.
  • The report states that the hospitality industry accounted for 18% of the total unencrypted payment card data storage among businesses tested.
  • The report noted that one of the common locations for a breach of payment card security or leak of payment card data is at employee workstations, suggesting that employees may be handling data improperly.  PCI compliance training can help reduce potential leaks.

The report concludes that, “businesses must create a company policy surrounding card data discovery that details employee roles and procedures, when and where a search should be conducted, and the process for secure removal of the data.”

One of the better approaches to ensuring PCI compliance for hoteliers is through vigorous PCI compliance training and developing a reliable PCI compliance program.  Any such program should include custom learning solutions, such as PCI compliance training modules and similar training for hoteliers on best practices for using hospitality technology.

To learn more about this report – Click LINK