Privacy Regulation Compliance
Matterhorn creates strong data protection through industry-leading training resources.
Denali guides organizations to maximize data protection through training and tools that cement a security awareness culture.
PCI DSS Compliance
Everest builds a robust human firewall, lessens burdens of compliance, and mitigates business disruption risks.


  • Top Cyber Threats for Hoteliers: Summer 2024

    As hoteliers manage the peak summer season, cybercriminals are on the prowl.This week’s edition of the VENZA Echo dives into the latest risks and threats, from booking site scams to major data breaches.Read More »
  • Susceptibility Vs. Sustainability: Green AI in Hospitality

    AI-driven solutions are making waves in the hospitality industry, significantly cutting down hoteliers’ carbon footprints. From optimizing energy usage and conserving water to slashing food waste, these smart technologies are setting new standards globally. But with innovation comes new cyber risks. This week in the VENZA Echo, we dive into the delicate balance between sustainability and susceptibility.Read More »
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