Why the Hospitality “Skills Gap” Has Become a “Skills Chasm” Due to COVID-19

Just as you can’t “pour from an empty cup,” hotels can’t provide great service without the help of great staff – hospitality professionals know this to be unequivocally true. Hospitality is, in many ways, defined by its providers. Great hospitality isn’t simply the provision of a singular service; instead, it’s an experience, one that is continuously curated and delivered in a meaningful way via engaged staff, a pristine property, and the best available technological advances.

How to Prepare and Protect Against Technology Threats in a Changed World

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Sometimes, the biggest threats are the ones we can’t see. Surely, this sentiment rang true over the last year, as the COVID-19 virus swept across the nation, ushering in widespread fear and regulatory change in its wake. But now, as hospitality prepares for a long-awaited period of recovery, we must direct our attention to another unseen threat – data breaches. As our industry continues to adopt self-service technology to digitize the guest experience, guest data protection must be top of mind for every hotelier.

How to Develop and Inspire the Next Generation of Hospitality Leaders

A saying reads, “The true test of leadership is how well you function in a crisis.” In this way, 2020 proved to be a revelatory time for hospitality. Over the course of the pandemic, the industry at large faced, perhaps, its biggest challenge yet. And although we still have our work cut out for us, it’s essential to recognize that this year put hospitality leadership front and center.

Changing Rules for a Changing World: Why Doing Good is Now Very Good for Business

Changing Rules for a Changing World: Why Doing Good is Now Very Good for Business
In the world of professional sports, athletes dedicate hours honing their particular craft through the meticulous acquisition and practice of a specialized set of skills. But before they step foot on their arena of choice, they have to learn the rules of the game. After all, you can’t play the game — certainly, you can’t play to win — if you don’t know how the game is played. In the realm of business, the same rules apply.

Email Threat Protection Webinar Q&A

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We ran out of time during the 19th of August’s webinar on Email Protection to answer all the questions. Below we give a bit of attention to areas the attendees sought more coverage:

Best Pricing in Years on Essential Security

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The time is now! Cyber-attacks are up by as much as 131% since the start of the pandemic. Occupancy rates struggle to achieve 50%. Approximately 87% of hotels are having to furlough staff. It is imperative to act today to achieve a superior data security posture AND save money.

Email Protection, Hospitality’s 2020

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Whatever the field, it matters to use accurate terms. While baking, it is best not to ask for baking soda if you need baking powder. In basketball, it’s a hoop, not a ring. Coincidentally, you spar in a boxing ring (that happens to be square). In the world of data breach research, the term VERIS refers to the Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing (VERIS). Effectively, it is a term for the thing that catalogues the other terms.

Impersonation Protection with Email Security

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Running a business is stressful enough in this economy. There was a time when you only needed to worry about a few suspicious email messages in your inbox. Now, any message could be a potential phishing threat lurking in your inbox.

Advanced EndPoint Protection and Response (EDR)

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So, what is EDR? It’s a multifaceted solution that does everything modern managed antivirus (AV) can do but takes things a step further—providing greater security and (most importantly) peace of mind. These include, but are not limited to: