Business-Side Compliance: Controller Obligations Under Data Privacy Law

VENZA Echo Weekly Feature

Last week’s feature of the VENZA Echo reviewed “consumer rights,” highlighting the power that individuals hold over how their information is collected and used.

This week, we turn our focus to another critical area: “controller obligations.”

These rules outline the responsibilities businesses like yours hold in managing personal data. From ensuring the security of data, to keeping you compliant, to building trust in your brand, these obligations are pivotal.

Understanding Consumer Rights Under Data Privacy Law

VENZA Echo Weekly Feature

Organisations are often subject to multiple—sometimes conflicting—requirements regarding the collection and handling of personal information.

To comply with these laws, it’s essential to first understand them. To simplify that task, we’re breaking them down into their core components and starting with one of the most central—consumer rights.

This week’s feature gives critical background on what common consumer rights are and how you should approach meeting them.

Negotiating with Ransomware Attackers: Ethical and Legal Considerations

VENZA Echo Weekly Feature

Among the many challenges of ransomware is the question—should businesses pay?

Whether or not to respond to extortionist criminals is fraught with ethical and legal challenges. And, ones that are essential to resolve in advance of an attack, rather being caught flat-footed in the moment.

This week’s feature of the VENZA Echo reviews the major considerations involved with paying ransoms and gives tips for organisations considering negotiation.

Understanding Ransomware-as-a-Service

VENZA Echo Weekly Feature

Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) has emerged as a major threat to hoteliers.

Have you heard this term but not understood it? Or not known how it differs from traditional ransomware?

VENZA has you covered. In this week’s feature of the Echo, we break down RaaS to give you the fundamental knowledge you need to stay ahead of the curve on cyberthreats and remain secure.

Trends in Ransomware for 2024

VENZA Echo Weekly Feature

In the realm of cybersecurity, ransomware has emerged as a top concern—especially for industries like hospitality that are heavily reliant on digital data.

To help you stay prepared, this week’s VENZA Echo dives deep into our predictions for the top ransomware trends of 2024.

The Top Security Trends of 2023 and What to Expect in 2024

VENZA Echo Weekly Feature

New year. Old threats.

2023 was a banner year for cyberthreats and, unfortunately, hospitality was not immune from the trend of increasing malware, social engineering, and hacking.

To stay secure, this week’s feature of the VENZA Echo recaps the key security trends from the last year, along with our predictions of what to watch in 2024.

Surveillance or Service? The Ethics of Using Facial Recognition in Hospitality

VENZA Echo Weekly Feature

As the hospitality industry increasingly embraces cutting-edge technology, we’re excited to share our latest feature of the VENZA Echo: “Surveillance or Service? The Ethics of Using Facial Recognition in Hospitality”.

This piece dives deep into the world of biometric technology and its implications for guest privacy and service quality.

As industry professionals, it’s crucial to stay informed about the ethical dimensions of the technologies we adopt and how we can leverage these innovations responsibly.

Checking In on Privacy: New Frontiers of Hotel Technology

VENZA Echo Weekly Feature

As we witness an era where hotels increasingly rely on technology to understand and adapt to guest preferences, it’s crucial to understand their associated privacy implications.

From IoT devices to data analytics, this week’s feature of the VENZA Echo delves into how these innovations, while enhancing guest experiences, also bring forth unique challenges in protecting personal information.