Continous Training Improvement to Build a Strong Security Culture

VENZA Echo Weekly Feature

In the modern threat landscape, it’s clear that single-shot, one-off training is no longer adequate.

To build and maintain a strong security culture, learning interventions must be continuous and ongoing.

Learn about how to execute such a strategy in this week’s feature of the VENZA Echo.

From Lobby to Login: Elevating Password Protection in Hotels

VENZA Echo Weekly Feature

Strong passwords are only as good as the security of how they are stored.

Proactive, forward-thinking organizations should stay ahead of potential threats by establishing robust password storage policies.

Learn best practices for doing so in this week’s feature of the VENZA Echo.

Password Policies: A Must-Have for Hoteliers

VENZA Echo Weekly Feature

For hospitality, where the stakes are high, a formal password policy isn’t just recommended; it’s essential.

By defining clear, stringent password guidelines and ensuring adherence, companies can take a significant step towards safeguarding their data and reputation.

Find out more in this week’s feature of the VENZA Echo.

5 Quick Tips for Password Security

In the age of digital convenience, ensuring your hotel’s cybersecurity has never been more critical.

We’ve put together the Top 5 Tips for Password Security tailored just for you. Protect your brand’s reputation and your guest’s data with these actionable steps.